First aid kits for biking

What to pack when biking in Durango

We’ve all been there—a fall, a collision, or an unfortunate encounter with a widowmaker tree branch. Yup, cuts, scrapes, bruises, and even worse are part of the deal when you go mountain biking in Durango. Thankfully, most rides go off without a hitch, but what happens when there’s an accident?

A simple first aid kit can mean the difference between pedaling home in pain or riding on with a stylish bandage, and the difference between a call for help from authorities or a fix you conduct trailside. You can’t prepare for every contingency when mountain biking in Durango, but a smart, well-chosen kit can get you out of a bind.

It’s possible to buy a fully-stocked, ready to go kit, or you can piece your own together. No matter which route you choose, here are some essentials to pack:

  • Duct tape or medical tape: Secure bandages and splints

  • Benadryl/diphenhydramine: For severe allergy attacks

  • Tweezers: For cactus thorns

  • Bandages: For blisters or small cuts

  • Sterile 4X4 gauze: For larger wounds

  • Ibuprofen: Temporary reduction of pain

  • A small multi-tool: A good tool may have many ride-saving features, including scissors, tweezers, and more

  • Emergency blanket: Smart protection for alpine and cool-weather rides

  • Whistle: Use it to signal for help

  • Wet wipes: Clean wounds, get sweat out of your eyes, and more

  • Nutrition-dense food: For bonking

  • Emergency contact information: Stash a laminated sheet with your name, address, and emergency contact information in case you are found unconscious or incoherent

  • Matches or a lighter: Never know when a comforting fire could be a life saver

  • Compass: In Durango’s high alpine country, don’t underestimate the ability of fast-moving storms to completely obliterate all landmarks

  • Oral rehydration tablets: Use in caser of mild or moderate dehydration

  • Headlamp or flashlight: For when those dusk patrols unexpectedly become night missions

  • Personal medications: A small supply of pills is a smart move for those with acute or chronic medical conditions

  • Hand sanitizer: Clean up after a repair

  • An extra layer: Summer storms can easily drop rain, hail, and snow, and cause the temperatures to plummet 30 degrees or more. Don’t chance hypothermia!

  • Lip balm: Chapped lips suck!

  • Sting relief: These wipes can provide fast relief from pain itching caused by insect bites and stings

  • Compression wraps: Use to help reduce swelling both during and after a big ride

  • Anti-chafe skin lubricant: Yes, gross, cream for your bum, but also, let’s be real, reaaallllyyyy nice sometimes

Questions? Stop by Pedal the Peaks in Durango, Colo. before your ride and we can help you out. We’ve also put together a handy list of what to take on long rides, from tools to clothing to extra gear in another blog. Pedal the Peaks can also help out with info on hut to hut trips and set you up with bike rentals for whatever ride you have in mind.


What to take on long bike rides


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